Home News Around 900,000 WordPress websites were under hacking threat last week

Around 900,000 WordPress websites were under hacking threat last week


It is known that every platform has some vulnerabilities and security loopholes and there is no way everything will be fixed even after updates because if you try to fix something, something else breaks and the chain keeps on continuing.

Now, the same goes with popular platforms such as WordPress which is used by millions to host their sites based on the open-source platform and perform blogging or even have their company sites. Recently, we reported that a common vulnerability found inside WordPress was letting hackers inside many customer sites.

Also, popular blogging platform Ghost got hacked and GoDaddy also reported a breach indicating that the time is not right for digital marketers right now. And we have a new report regarding WordPress which is that around 900,000 WordPress websites were under hacking threat and this was done by a hacking group. This report is via WordFence which provides a security plugin for all the WordPress websites. They revealed that the hacking attempts took place last week and continued for seven days.

WordFence QA engineer revealed that “While our records show that this threat actor may have sent out a smaller volume of attacks in the past, it’s only in the past few days that they’ve truly ramped up,”.

The team said that these attacks came from more than 24,000 different IP addresses around the world in order to not disclose their exact location. And they attempted to get inside more than 900,000 WordPress sites having a wide range of topics.

On last Sunday that is May 3, the attacks peaked as WordFence claims that this group “launched more than 20 million exploitation attempts against half a million domains”. This means that if you have a WordPress website and had WordFence installed, there is a good chance you would have noticed too many login attempts this Sunday.