Home News Hacked Australian websites found for sale on the dark web

Hacked Australian websites found for sale on the dark web

Dark Web
Dark Web

There has been a lot of talk about how dark web is becoming a threat to humanity in today’s period where everyone is on the internet and that involves people with evil intentions as well. However, it must be noted that dark web is the part of the internet which cannot be traced since it is decentralized meaning that there is no single point from which it is being run. This is similar to the concept of cryptocurrency which is why both have unmatched security and are untraceable.

One thing we have noticed is that the dark web is mostly used by hackers and this is in order to sell the things that they have hacked such as websites, email accounts as well as personal information. Also, the fact that buyers are ready to pay whatever the hackers demand for the information tells you that the demand and supply chain is strong. Now, a new report has emerged concerning Australia where it is revealed that Australian websites are available on the dark web and up for sale. It is understood that these websites were hacked in a previous breach and the hacker has now put them up for sale.

According to an exclusive report from AFR, “ASX-listed companies, financial services firms, law firms, an insurance company and an adult entertainment store are among hundreds of Australian websites for sale on the dark web”. The report adds that there is a “list of 43,000 hacked servers available for sale on MagBo, the shadowy online marketplace where cybercriminals sell access to websites for as little as $US1 ($1.46) and as much as $US10,000”.

It is also known that these websites and their access might have gained by hackers using a technique called “web shell malware” which is a trojan that hackers install on infected servers to get access to all the sites on that server.